Company Name (Korean) 주식회사 팀보
Company Name (English) TIMBO CORPORATION
Address (Korean)
Address (English)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email jiyoup.park@gmail.com
Website www.timbo.co.kr
Company Introduction (Korean) 팀보로봇은 특화된 조립구조의 블록을 활용하여 무한한 형태의 로봇을 창작할 수 있으며, 조립한 로봇을 손으로 움직이며 동작을 입력하면 그 동작이 자동으로 코딩되어 원하는 걸음새나 움직임을 만들어낼 수 있는 차별화된 코딩로봇교구입니다.
Company Introduction (English) Timbo robot (also known as topobo) is a construction toy with kinetic memory, the ability to record and playback physical motion. Snap together Passive (static) and Active (robotic) pieces into a creation, and with a press of a button and flick of your wrist, you can teach your creation how to dance or walk.
Timbo Robot Curriculae have been developed and extensively tested in classrooms grades K-2 in South Korea, a world-leader in STEM education for young children.
Nearly 150 activities are organized by grade and progress cumulatively to playfully introduce concepts related to information and computing technology (ICT). Concepts include algorithms, programming, memory, turn-taking, lists, and networking. Because Timbo robot is based on organic systems, the activities also
introduce concepts unique to Timbo Robot, such as locomotion, geometry in 2D and 3D, nature, and ecology. Activities can be coupled with existing curriculum
to provide children a way to make abstract concepts concrete. Timbo robot teaches computing concepts without requiring any computers – all of the smarts are built into the toys, so kids spend time, tinkering, playing and working together, not looking at screens.
Product Introduction (Korean)
Product Introduction (English)
Product Photo 사진
