Company Name (Korean) 한국드론산업진흥협회
Company Name (English) Korea Drone Industry Promotion Associtation
Address (Korean) 서울시 서초구 남부순환로 325길 9(서초동, DSI빌딩)7층
Address (English) 7F, Nambusunhwan-ro 325-gil-9, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Phone Number +82)02-2135-4981
Fax Number
Website www.kodipa.org
Company Introduction (Korean) 한국 무인기(드론)산업의 진흥과 국가경쟁력 제고를 위하여 무인기산업 진흥방안 조성, 관련기관/단체 협업기반 마련, 무인기 산업 생태계 조성 및 발전에 기여하고자 설립되었습니다. 항공·우주 및 무인기 표준화의 전담기관으로 무인기 산업을 지원하는 정부정책과 관련 기업과의 가교 역할에 주력함은 물론 국내 업체들의 해외진출 및 기술교류에 앞장서 국제 경쟁력을 갖춘 무인기산업 환경을 조성하는데 앞장설 것입니다.

<주요 사업>
·무인기 교육 : 산업용 무인비행장치 전문인력 양성
· 항공·우주(무인기) 분야 국가·국제·단체 표준 제정
· 무인기 국제 협력체계 구축 · 무인기 컨퍼런스/전시 사업
· 무인기 산업 법규 관련 세미나 및 정책간담회 운영
· 무인기 관련 정책개발 및 대정부 건의 · 무인기 산업 전문 네트워크 운영
Company Introduction (English) The Korea Drone Industry Promotion Association (KODIPA) promotes the UAV industry and enhances national competitiveness.
It was established to build an ecosystem. In the future, as a specialized agency dedicated to the UAV industry differentiated from the aerospace industry, In addition to focusing on supporting government policies and fostering relationships with related companies, we also take the lead in promoting domestic companies and facilitating technology exchanges.

·Creation of UAV promotion system
- Creation of promotion fund
- R&D of new technology for UAV, Academic support and national policy
· Establishment of foundation for cooperation of related organizations /
institution Development
- Finding and fostering UAV experts at home and abroad
- Development of commercialization strategy product by establishing linkage
of industry-academy-university
· Support for sustainable development
- Contributing to the creation and development of the UAV industry ecosystem
through the establishment and indepth study of the UAV industry, which is
the basis of the 21st century national growth engine.
· Establish Industry Standard and Korean Standard(KS)
- establishing standards of unmanned aerial vehicles as COSD (National
Aeronautics and Space Administration)
- Contributing to build and nurture UAV infrastructure through KS standard
maintenance and international standardization of ISO/TC 20/SC 16(UAS)

Product Introduction (Korean)
Product Introduction (English)
Product Photo