Company Name (Korean) | ㈜고영로보틱스 |
Company Name (English) | GOYOUNG ROBOTICS |
Address (Korean) | 주식회사 고영로보틱스 |
Address (English) | GoyoungRobotics |
Phone Number | 0323264771 |
Fax Number | | | |
Website | |
Company Introduction (Korean) | ㈜고영로보틱스는 로봇 관련 토털 솔루션 기업으로 교육용 로봇, 전시 및 공연용 로봇 개발 로봇 전문교육 및 캠프, 경진대회 기획 및 진행 온-오프라인 전문 쇼핑몰 운영 로봇 관련 다양한 분야에 종사하고 있습니다. |
Company Introduction (English) | Goyoung Robotics Inc. is a total solution company related in robots that is developing its business through out manufacturing sector such as robot controller and the associated system, inventing semiconductor inspecting equipment as well as professional education on robots, various kinds of robot competitions and on-offline shopping mall, too. |
Product Introduction (Korean) | 교육용 휴머노이드로봇, 전시체험형 로봇 |
Product Introduction (English) | Humanoid Robot : The controlller uses ARM Cortex MCU driven by a servo motor 21 of the basic joints size : 40*25*11cm weight : 1.9kg |
Product Photo |
KakaoTalk_20150317_093617318.jpg |