Company Name (Korean) | (주)에스엘엠 |
Company Name (English) | SLM Global Co., Ltd. |
Address (Korean) | 대전광역시 유성구 테크노2로 323-7 |
Address (English) | 2F, 323-7, Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea |
Phone Number | +82-42-933-4670 |
Fax Number | +82-42-933-4673 | | |
Website | |
Company Introduction (Korean) | 에스엘엠은 사람과 환경을 위한 친환경 솔루션을 추구하는 기업으로, 그린 솔루션 및 서비스를 제공하고자 하는 기업입니다. 자사 제품인 CHIRO는 가장 친환경적인 로봇 시스템을 제공하며, 고객의 요구 및 해양산업분야에 매우 적합한 솔루션을 제공할 것입니다. |
Company Introduction (English) | SLM Global is pursuing ecofriendly solutions that benefit people and the enviroment . We are dedicated to create green solutions and services. We believe that our hull cleaning robot system CHIRO is one of the most feasible and eco friendly alternatives for “green” shipping CHIRO provides great performance to meet the requirements of marine businesses. We are striving to be the most competent and reliable partner to our customers. |
Product Introduction (Korean) | |
Product Introduction (English) | 1) Reliable Operation : Robust and Readiness / Easy in mobilization and Operation 2) Brushing Control : Realtime Cleaning Force Control / No excessive wear of coating 3) Movement Control : No Damage to Coating due to Robot Motion Location Tracking is a mush doing. 4) Wide Coverage : Workable the port and bottom while berthing 5) Debris Capture : Able to capture wastes of desired / Suitable filtering quality and capacity 6) Safety : Minimum risk for human, enviornment & equipment |
Product Photo |
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