Company Name (Korean) | 제 12회 대구국제로봇산업전 |
Company Name (English) | The 12th Daegu Robot Expo |
Address (Korean) | 대구광역시 북구 엑스코로 10 (산격동, 대구전시컨벤션센터) 엑스코 5층 |
Address (English) | 5th floor of EXCO 10 (Sandeok-dong, Daegu Exhibition and Convention Center) EXCO, Buk-gu, Daegu |
Phone Number | 053-601-5065 |
Fax Number | 053-601-5069 | | |
Website | |
Company Introduction (Korean) | [2023 대구국제로봇산업전] ◈ 전시회 개요 - 기간 : 2023.11.14.(화)-17.(금) - 주최/주관/후원 : 대구광역시 / 엑스코 / 산업통상자원부 - 동시개최행사 : 대구국제자동화기기전, 대구국제부품산업전 - 규모 : 350개사 1000부스 규모 - 전시품목 : 산업용로봇, AMR, AGV, 협동로봇, 서비스로봇, 자동화기기, 스마트팩토리, 소재 및 부품 등 |
Company Introduction (English) | [2023 Daegu International Robot Industry Exhibition] ◈ Exhibition Overview - Period: 2023.11.14 (Tue)-17 (Fri) - Host/organize/sponsor: Daegu Metropolitan City/Exco/Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy - Simultaneous event: Daegu International Automation Equipment Exhibition, Daegu International Parts Industry Exhibition - Size: 1,000 booths of 350 companies - Display items: Industrial robots, AMR, AGV, cooperative robots, service robots, automation equipment, smart factories, materials and parts, etc |
Product Introduction (Korean) | |
Product Introduction (English) | |
Product Photo |
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