Company Name (Korean) 한국전자기술연구원 - 로봇플러스 실증개발지원센터
Company Name (English) Korea Electronics Technology Institute
Address (Korean) 서울특별시 강남구 광평로39길 112 로봇플러스 실증개발지원센터
Address (English) (06352) 112, Gwangpyeong-ro 39-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Phone Number 070-7775-3559
Fax Number
Email sword32@keti.re.kr
Website https://www.keti.re.kr
Company Introduction (Korean) KETI는 1991년 중소·중견기업 기술혁신과 신기술개발을 통한 신산업창출을 위해 설립된 국내 대표적인 전문생산기술연구원으로, 유망신산업 발굴과 육성을 위해
①전자IT분야 첨단핵심기술들의 선제적 개발, 기술이전으로 산업계에 널리 확산
②기업의 기술혁신은 물론 사업화까지 지원하는 공공연구기관임.
최근에는 WAVE 통신, 라이다(LiDAR)센서와 영상인식기술 등 자율주행 솔루션과
IoT, 스마트팩토리, 인공지능(AI)기술까지 4차 산업혁명의 첨병으로 역할 수행중임
Company Introduction (English) Welcome to the Korea Electronics Technology Institute.
It is the era of change. IoT sensors in the right places generate big data, and AI
analyzes it to create new values from seemingly unrelated connections.
The convergence-driven Fourth Industrial Revolution goes beyond smart technolo
gies, pushing them into the realm of wisdom. KETI is a leading R&D institute
specializing in electronics and IT under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
of Korea. Since its establishment in 1991,
KETI has led the growth of small and midsize Korean enterprises in the high tech industry. We remain committed to growing together with companies in the global
market, focusing on more real-world applications beyond the lab.
To this end, KETI seeks to serve as a growth platform for companies by
strengthening creative and convergent R&D capabilities based on industry needs
and establishing a more advanced and tailored cooperation system that helps
companies become global experts. We kindly ask for your support in KETI’s efforts to fulfill our commitments as aninstitution at the vanguard of change.
Product Introduction (Korean) <협업지능 기반 로봇플러스 경쟁력 지원 사업>
ㅇ (사업개요) 협업지능 기술개발 및 보급을 위한 실증 인프라 구축 및 테스트베드 지원
ㅇ (사업목표) 선반(Picking), 다축가공기(머신텐딩), 검사(형상), 셀간이동(시뮬레이션) 등 4대 공정 구축에 활용된 협업지능 운용기술의 고도화 및 보급을 통한 중소·중견 기업의 생산성 강화 지원
Product Introduction (English) ㅇ (Overview) Establishment of Proof-of-Concept infrastructure and testbed support for collaborative intelligence technology development and deployment
ㅇ (Objective) Enhancement and deployment of collaborative intelligence operational technology utilized in establishing four major processes: picking, multi-axis machining (machine tending), inspection (shape), and inter-cell movement (simulation) to support productivity enhancement for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).
Product Photo