Company Name (Korean) | (재)경남테크노파크 |
Company Name (English) | GYEONGNAM TECHNOPARK |
Address (Korean) | 경남 창원시 마산합포구 진북면 산단2길 132 |
Address (English) | 132, Sandan 2-gil, Jinbuk-myeon, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea |
Phone Number | 055-272-0811 |
Fax Number | 055-272-0855 | | |
Website | |
Company Introduction (Korean) | 경남테크노파크는 지역 산·학·연·관 의 유기적인 협력체계를 구축하여 지역혁신기관 간 연계조정 등 지역혁신거점기관으로서 지역산업의 기술고도화와 기술집약적 기업의 혁신성장을 촉진하고 지역경제 활성화와 국가경제 발전에 기여하고자 설립하였습니다. <핵심전략과 중점추진과제> 지역산업 정책기획 기능강화 산학연관 네트워크 활성화 맞춤형 기업지원 내실화 조직역량 강화 |
Company Introduction (English) | Gyeongnam Techno Park was established to promote technological advancement of local industries and innovative growth of technology-intensive companies as a regional innovation hub such as linkage and coordination between regional innovation institutions by establishing an organic cooperation system between local industry/academia/research/government and to contribute to vitalization of the local economy and development of the national economy. Local industry Policy planning Function enhancement Activation of industry-academic network Internalization of customized corporate support Strengthening organizational capabilities |
Product Introduction (Korean) | |
Product Introduction (English) | |
Product Photo |